
Thursday, April 27, 2017

Moses & Aaron

Yesterday afternoon I had to drive one of my children into town to see the dentist about a potential extraction. That kind of stuff really stresses me out. So, on the 45 minute drive I found myself doing some deep thinking, which is usually what happens when I am trying to get my mind off of something else.

I've always liked writing. Over the years I've kept journals, written poetry, started blogs. I've kept a family blog since I was newly married over ten years ago. It chronicles all the big moments in our family. I mean, I often have to back date birthday posts, but there they are just the same! I usually start some type of writing project because I feel the need to write and then I abandon it as soon as the itch is scratched. And that's okay with me.

But, lately, I've been feeling the itch again. Only this time, it has been more aggressive, the kind that you scratch and scratch until you can't even find the spot that itches anymore but itch it does. I've been praying about it. I've had conversations with myself about it. What should I do to satisfy this itch?

I feel like I have so much knowledge, so much information logged deep in my brain. How could I possibly share all that I know, all that I've learned on the steep learning curve that I've lived the last twenty years of my adult life? My kids know a lot because I am an external processor and they happen to catch bits and pieces or whole conversations. But, how could I ever pass it all along to them, to anyone who cares to know it?

I decided to start my fourth blog. I have my family blog, my creative/crafty blog, my homeschooling journal blog, and now Agate Acres. But, then I got scared. I don't do things like most other people I know do things. I almost always have to get down to the nuts and bolts of it before I can get behind something, some cause. I try to keep things as simple as possible because often once you start, you can't stop. So, I got scared thinking about sharing this with the world, with any random person who might happen to read my words.

But then I thought, "Faith over fear." I never want to live my life ruled by fear. I fight hard against it. It's prevalent in our culture. I want to choose faith. Not fear. So, I decided to write. But, what to write? Everything? Just bits and pieces?

And then something amazing happened.

After the dentist, my daughter and I stopped at Savers, a thrift store. I picked up a book meant for toddlers called "100 Heroes of the Bible." It had one small page for each person of the bible and I thought it would be a good addition to our daily prayers. I bought it.

I went home and wrote my first blog post. Why the name Agate Acres. Innocent enough.

This morning I opened the new book to the first page. The hero was Aaron. The story came from Exodus 4. Moses didn't want to speak, so God sent Aaron with him. I thought the lesson was helping others, as Aaron helped his brother.

Then I opened our daily devotional. I was surprised to see our first reading came from Exodus 4:10-17. How odd! I found the passage and sure enough it was the passage about Moses asking the Lord to send someone else. How he wasn't a good speaker. He didn't know what to say.

And I felt God's reassurance to me. I don't have to convince people that I am right, that the way I do things is good, that God is real. I just have to tell people what I know to be true. Be a faithful witness.

I can do that.

God will do the rest.

And, by the way, the tooth didn't have to be pulled. It turns out the permanent molar is coming in and will just push the baby tooth out. All that stress for nothing!

"Begin each day with a grateful heart." Oh, how I try.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Agate Acres

"Do you like agates?" the guy from across the street - dirt road - in front of our newly purchased, 120 year old house asked my nine year old daughter.

"Yes!" she exclaimed. Collecting little things is one of her favorite hobbies.

It's back in December and we are visiting the foreclosed property we recently closed on. Our 12 passenger van almost fully loaded with our kids and some foster kids, we dove the hour from our house down south to check things out at the new property. As soon as we pulled in the driveway I realized how close we were to the road and how close the neighbor across the street was. Nothing like disturbing their quiet, serene life in the cabin without indoor plumbing with our many kids and animals.

The neighbor can't help but notice us and walks over to greet us, introducing himself and asking my oldest child about the agates. Turns out they are everywhere down here. Oddly enough, I already had a rock tumbler in my Amazon cart for her birthday.

He mentions that he is leaving soon to head to Florida for the rest of the winter (did I mention that we live in northern Minnesota) and will be back in March. By the time he gets back we will be mostly moved in - kids, animals, stuff.

I've always wanted a house with a name. After six moves in ten years of marriage, this might be it. I'm naming this one. So, Agate Acres it is.

And our neighbor Jimmy was right. Agates everywhere.
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